Disaster Relief — OffGridBox

We want to help you on the road to recovery.


Natural disasters can happen anytime and anywhere, preventing entire

countries, cities and families from accessing basic resources.

Electricity, water, and connectivity are usually the first resources that become

unavailable when a disaster strikes.

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All-encompassing relief hub

Ensure that your deployed team has the resources to perform at full potential

  • Communication (WiFi / cellular)

  • Electricity from renewable energy

  • Clean purified water

*all the hardware fits inside a 6x6 ft shipping container, ready to be deployed. Modules available for customization


Be the first to respond

Get the box to the affected area quickly for disaster relief

  • Only 3 hour installation (other solar systems take 3 weeks!)

  • Deploy and set up a new box within 2 months!

  • Or less than 30 days for a used box

*easily transport the box on a small truck, boat, or helicopter if needed


Create long term resiliency

The box was designed to be maintained by trained locals with a basic set of tools

  • Prepare for emergencies by packing up in only 30 minutes

  • The welded shipping container can withstand a cyclone!

  • Lifetime of a box is 20 years*

*boxes can be relocated if needs change, or resell the box to us through our buyback program


Provide water for hygiene, drinking, and cooking; energy for laptops, phones, refrigerators, and lighting; and WiFi for communication.

Past project: Philippines & OXFAM

Past project: Philippines & OXFAM

Rebuilding Effort: Community Centers

Recover from disasters by providing reliable infrastructure to a school, clinic, or center.

Support more than 200 victims* (students, patients, and staff).

Long-term impact: ~20 years


emergency preparedness: victims

Be ready for disasters with a resilient system at your school, clinic or center and easily convert it to a Relief Hub in minutes.

Optional 300 charging USB ports for phones and support 200-2000 victims*.

Long-term impact: ~20 years

Past project: Puerto Rico & ConPRmetidos

Relief Camps: deployed teams

Respond quickly to disasters by equipping your team with essential resources.

Additional support to 100-1,000 nearby victims*

Short-term impact: 6 months - 3 years

*depends on consumption habits

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